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Parts customization

This page explains how to customize the genetic parts in your database.

The following five buttons let you manage the parts in your database:

  • : Add a new, unregistered part
  • : Delete a part from your collection
  • : Edit the parameters of a registered part
  • : Import a complete collection of parts
  • : Export your current collection of parts

Add parts

Click the button to open a form for entering details about a new part. After filling out the form, click "Save" to add the part to your database.


By clicking "Fill form with existing part", you can select an existing part and automatically load its information into the form. This is useful when creating a new part that closely resembles an existing one.

Common parameters

The following parameters apply to all part types:

Parameter Description
Name The part’s name. It must be unique within the database.
Description A brief explanation of the part.
Category The part's category (Promoter, Protein, Terminator).
DNA sequence The DNA sequence for the part, containing only the letters A, T, G, and C.

Promoter-specific parameters

Promoters have additional parameters:

Parameter Description
Ydef The expression strength of the gate in the absence of transcriptional regulators (in [RPU]). For repressive promoters, this value is the same as Ymax. For activating promoters, it is the same as Ymin.

Interaction parameters

If a promoter interacts with a specific protein, configure the interaction in the "Controlled By" section:

Parameter Description
name The name of the protein (must already exist in the database).
type The type of interaction (Repression or Activation).
Ymax The maximum expression rate of the gate (in [RPU]).
Ymin The minimum expression rate of the gate (in [RPU]), indicating leakage expression.
K The Michaelis–Menten constant, i.e., the protein expression level at which the gate’s expression is half of its maximum (in [RPU]).
n The Hill coefficient of the gate.

Protein-specific parameters

Proteins have additional parameters:

Parameter Description
Dp The protein degradation rate (in [RPU]). The default values are theoretical, calculated from the steady-state condition when the gate’s expression is at its maximum. Whenever possible, use experimentally measured values.
TIRb The Translation Initiation Rate measured in baseline experiments to determine parameter values. This represents RBS strength. For more details on the translation initiation rate, see H. M. Salis, C. A. Voigt, Nat. Biotech. 2009


If any parameters are invalid, an error message will appear. Check the message and correct your input accordingly.

Delete parts

Click the button to see a list of registered parts. Select the part you want to remove, then confirm the deletion.

Edit parts

Click the button to see a list of registered parts. Select the part you want to edit, then modify its settings in the same type of form used for adding parts.

Import parts collection

Click the button to import a collection of parts in bulk. The file you import must follow the same format as the export file described below.


This action overwrites your existing parts database.

Export parts collection

Click the button to export your current parts database as a JSON file.


The parts database is reset each time the application is restarted. To avoid losing your data, export it beforehand. You can then restore it later by importing the saved JSON file.