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To get started, install both the backend Docker image and the desktop application.

Backend Docker image

  1. Log in to Docker Hub (skip this step if you’re already logged in):

    docker login -u <USER_NAME> -p <PASSWORD>
    Replace <USER_NAME> and <PASSWORD> with your Docker Hub credentials.

  2. Pull the Docker image:

    docker pull khokao/synergetica

Desktop app

Download the installer for your operating system:

These are the primary installers. For all available installers, see the GitHub Releases page.

Warning (macOS Users)

On macOS, remove the quarantine attribute to allow Synergetica to launch.

xattr -d /Applications/


If the Docker engine is running when you open the desktop app, the Docker container will automatically start and the API will launch on port 7007.


Check the : icon at the bottom-right of the app screen to confirm that you’re connected to the backend API.

  • : Connected to the API
  • : Not connected to the API